Active substance: Stanozolol
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Unit: 10 mL Vial (50 mg/mL)
For Intramuscular Use
Stanoxyl Depot is an injectable anabolic steroid manufactured by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals and containing Stanozolol which is a derivative of dihydroTestosterone. Stanozolol being an analogue for Testosterone shows the same result as the hormone. Testosterone normally causes growth and maturity of body cells and tissues. It is a derivate of DHT (dehydroTestosterone) but at the same time it's more benign and less harmful. Among bodybuilders is considered perfect for preparation to competitions by contributing to the establishment of a lean, quality looking muscular formations. Stanoxyl Depot comes in 10 mL vial (50 mg/mL).
Stanoxyl Depot offers bodybuilders appropriate increase in body mass and strength. It is used by many due to the fact it causes strength increases without excess weight-gain. Stanoxyl Depot promotes increases in vascularity, and will not convert to estrogen. It also does not cause excess water retention and have a diuretic effect on the body. Stanoxyl Depot has been proved to increase blood flow for people using it. It is characterized by having a low androgenic property and very high anabolic properties. Stanoxyl Depot does not cause any water bloat it became popular among bodybuilders in the cutting phase of the training.
Stanoxyl Depot is a drug considered to make great addition to all cycles. Stanozolol should be taken daily for a greater effect. Male bodybuilders use dosages of 50-100 mg a day for a period of 6-8 weeks and female athletes use 5-10 mg a day for a period of 4-6 weeks while for the beginners the best starting dosage is about 20-25 mg a day. For contest and dieting phases Stanoxyl Depot could be combined with a non-aromatizing androgen such as Parabolan Tablets or Restandol (Andriol). The androgenic effect is often balanced by a combined intake with Parabolan. The combination of Stanoxyl Depot 50 mg/day and Parabolan30 mg/day is perfect in this sense. To accomplish visible bulking effect Stanoxyl Depot is used in combination with Dianabol or Anadrol 50.
By being an androgenic compound Stanoxyl Depot has typical virilization symptoms among women leading to hormone excess including voice deepening, hair loss or clitoris enlargement. Other common side effects for men and women are abdominal pain, dark color of urine, light color of stool, unusual tiredness, nausea and acne. Stanoxyl Depot may have a negative effect on blood pressure and plasma proteins, both of which affect the cardiovascular system. It can also cause damage to the liver due to the presence of c17-AA compound.
Stanodex, Stano, Winstrol, Strombafort, Stromba Tablets, Stanotrex, Menabol, Rexogin, Winny, Stanabol, Neurabol, Stanozolols, Stanol, Winstrol Depot, Stromba, Stanoxyl, Unistan Depot, Stanobolic, Stanoject, Azolol, Tanzol, Strombaject, Androstanazol, Rexobol.
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Apr 22, 2019 (08:26)
Very strong supplement, I have tried kalpa products before but never tried liquids, so far this product it's beyond expectations, I have more definition and gained strength even though loosing weight.