1Steroids.net ships to PO Boxes and APO addresses. To ensure the order delivery, the clients should indicate the shipping info in the comment line of each order.
Our range of products can be shipped worldwide, and we respect and value the need of all our customers.
In order to assure as much as possible, our clients’ privacy, all packages are shipped with maximum discretion. After the products are removed from their original boxes, they are repacked with extreme care and precaution, in order to minimize the shipment volume. The size of our packages is never larger than what would cause unnecessary suspicion. The name of the organization and the content of shipment are not indicated on the parcel or on the label.
The shipping charge is $41 to $50 USD
We are responsible for each order placed on 1Steroids.net, and we guarantee that the orders are delivered to its place of destination.
To ensure a successful delivery, the mail office will require a signature upon delivery of the order. Your signature represents just a formality that has to be done in such procedures.
Once you make an order and submit the payment, a confirmation e-mail along will all the instructions is sent to the e-mail address you gave us. Once payment is received, we process and ship out your order within 1-3 business days. The shipping time frame is normally between 7 and 15 business days, and up to 25 business days for remote countries. You can login to your 1Steroids.net account and check online your "Order History" for the delivery timeframe of your product. If your parcel hasn't been delivered in 15 business days, please contact us, and we will offer you further assistance.
Some orders may not arrive mainly due to custom seizure, or they could be lost in the mail. In cases when the package is seized at customs, please send us the seizure letter from customs or FDA at [email protected], and it is our responsibility to reship it to you for free.
Please be advised that: We reship only once. Also, please be aware that: We are not reshipping to the following locations: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea.
You may click on "My Orders" in your 1Steroids.net account, then select the "More Info" link next to the order you need, and you will find all the information you need regarding your order.
This means that the order has been released and the shipping process initiated. One part of the order has already been shipped out and the second part is still processing and will be sent within 1-3 days.
Most of the parcels have a tracking number; however, this number does not provide step-by-step information about the order in transit. For security reasons, we cannot display the tracking numbers on our site. Just check the "Order History" for the estimated dates of delivery.
Orders may be delayed by customs or due to mail service. If you do not receive your order within 24 business days, please Contact us, and we will provide you with necessary assistance.
Important: If you decide to buy steroids you are legally confirming that you are at least 21 years of age or any other minimal legal age that allow you to posses, use or purchase products containing steroidal anabolic compounds. It is important that you learn and take into account the state and local laws related to anabolic steroids. There are a series of anabolic products that may be restricted to be purchased regionally, while not restricted nationally. It’s safe and healthy to purchase steroids legally. So while purchasing or using steroids it is your responsibility to determine the legal character according to your region’s jurisdiction, while we will make all the efforts to follow all the state and local laws and their eventual modifications regarding anabolic steroids use, purchase or administration.
Bodybuilders and athletes (especially beginners) that are willing to buy online anabolic steroids must be aware of their side effects and must be responsible when buying these medications, even if no prescription is required. The steroids should be used in combination with a well balanced diet and with an organized bodybuilding exercise program. Consult with a physician prior to use. 1 Steroids.net encourages you to learn more about anabolic steroids on specialized bodybuilding forums or blogs and only then make a purchase. However our web store assures you that all the products we propose for sale online are of high quality and are being taken directly from manufacturers.
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