Primobol Tablets
Active substance: Methenolone Acetate
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Unit: 60 pills (50 mg/pill)
Primobol Tablets Detailed
Primobol Oral Steroid by Balkan Pharmaceuticals: best effects, dosages, cycles and possible side effects
Primobol Tablets are orally applicable tabs manufactured by Balkan Pharmaceuticals and containing Methenolone Acetate (which is a DiHydroTestosterone DHT based anabolic steroid). It is an ester derivative of methenolone, but regardless of the ester is a very mild oral anabolic steroid. Primobol Tablets are utilized when the athlete has a specific need for a mild anabolic agent, most notably in cutting phases of training. It started to become highly utilized after 70s because this compound proved to be very easy on the body organs and hormone profiles. Primobol Tablets come in a box, each unit containing 60 pills (50 mg/pill).
Primobol Tablets, containing Methenolone are seems limited at best during a bulking cycle. Methenolone Acetate is a compound that produces important results in both men and women during a cutting cycle as it exhibits an ability to retain muscle on a calorie restricted diet. Primobol Tablets have the properties not to aromatize, so estrogen related side effects are of no concern. This is very useful when leading up to a bodybuilding contest, as subcutaneous water retention (due to estrogen) can seriously harm the look of hardness and relief to the muscles. Methenolone Acetate is considered a good fat burner due to its high capacity for binding to the androgen receptors
A normal dosage of Primobol Tablets for men is 75 -150 mg per day. Such a mild anabolic is often used in conjunction with other steroids for optimal effect. While stacking Primobol doses should be much lower. During a diet or a cutting phase a non-aromatizing androgen like Halotestin or trenbolone may be combined with Primobol Tablets. Non-aromatizing androgen/anabolic stacks like this are in fact very popular among competing bodybuilders Primobol Tablets are also occasionally used with more potent androgens during bulking phases of training like Testosterone, Danabol or Anadrol 50. The normal dosage for women that will not allow the masculinity symptoms to emerge is 30- 60 mg daily.
Primobol Tablets are not c17 alpha alkylated as most oral steroid are. Due to the absence of such an alteration, this compound is not notably stressful to the liver. The side effects that may occur during the use Primobol Tablets are: hair loss with long-term use, oily skin, acne and growth of facial/body hair. However in general, Methenolone Acetate has no estrogenic side effects, and its effects on cholesterol levels and blood pressure are minimal.
Methenolone Acetate Brand Names
Primotrex, Primo, Primoxyl, Primobol, Primoplex, Primodex, Primobolan Acetate, Primotest, Primobolic, Primobolan, Alphabolin, Primobol Tablets.
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