Buy Halotest Online
Buy Oral Steroids


Active substance: Fluoxymesterone
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Unit: 100 pills (10 mg/pill)

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Halotest Detailed

Halotest 10 mg Oral Steroid by Balkan Pharmaceuticals: effects, dosage, cycle and possible side effects

Halotest is an orally applicable steroid manufactured by Balkan Pharmaceuticals containing Fluoxymesterone which is a derivative of testosterone. This is a potent oral steroid that exhibits extremely strong androgenic properties. Halotest is mainly designed to build up strength rather than gain muscle mass. It is often used by bodybuilders specialized in powerlifting. It is also famous for treating conditions as male hypogonadism, delayed puberty in males, and in the treatment of breast neoplasms in women. Halotest by Balkan Pharmaceuticals comes in boxes, each unit containing 60 pills (10 mg/pill).

The main effect of Halotest is that it gives the muscles a harder, denser look without offering a notable increase in size. It is very useful for athletes in sports like wrestling, powerlifting and boxing. Halotest is also an excellent medication for bodybuilders in process of preparation for competitions. Due to the fact that it does not increase the mass Halotest is very important for athletes that have to maintain a specific weight range. It is a non-aromatizing androgen compound which making estrogen production impossible. That means the estrogenic side effects such as water retention, fat fain and gynecomastias are not a concern.

The normal daily dosage of Halotest is 20-40 mg for a period no longer than 8 weeks. This anabolic steroid should be taken in mornings and evenings with lots of fluids. In combination with other steroids for example Equipoise or Deca-Durabolin will generate a result of considerable strength but a visible muscle mass as well. Also a mix of 400-800mg Testosterone enanthate and 20-30mg Halotest for example, should prove to be an exceptional stack for strength and muscle gain. Bodybuilders should resist the temptation to stack this drug with other alkylated orals and try combining it with other orals or esterified injectable compounds.

A normal cycle for Halotest usage is about 8 weeks. However beginners should stick to a cycle of 4-6 weeks using 20 -30 mg per day. The strength gained from each cycle will not be accompanied by a great weight increase, allowing most competitors to stay within a specified weight range. Being destined for specific purposes and many used by heavy athletes Halotest shouldn't be used by women as virilization symptoms of this drug are most often permanent.

By containing 17-alpha-alkylated Halotest is toxic to the liver. It should be taken in moderate quantity, not to be exceeded the period of cycle, combined with a good dietary regime and a liver protectant supplement should be taken if necessary. Other side effects are: nasal bleeding, gastrointestinal pain, headaches, acne, prostate hypertrophy, elevation of blood pressure, water retention, aggression features, increased production of the sebaceous gland, and reduced production of the body's own hormones. To restore this hormonal problem it is advised to take HCG and Clomid or Nolva.

Fluoxymesterone Brand Names

Halotest, Halotestin, Halotest 10mg, Halobolic, Halotestex, Halo, Haloxyl.

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