Active substance: Testosterone Suspension
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Unit: 5 x 1 mL amp (100 mg/mL)
Testoxyl Suspension 100 mg is manufactured by Kalpa Pharmaeuticals and it is am injectable anabolic steroid that contains active Testosterone Suspension which is pure Testosterone and has no other compounds attached. It represents a pure 100 mg of steroid. It was discovered in the 30s and since then it is the most simple and concentrated Testosterone ever manufactured. Although it is quite painful while injected, it is often used by bodybuilders and athletes because it represents the extreme dose. Even if Testoxyl Suspension is a raw compound, it proves to be very effective and does not easily dissolve in water. Testoxyl Suspension 100 mg comes in 1 mL ampoule (100 mg/mL).
Testoxyl Suspension 100 mg enters and clears the body very rapidly. It produces anabolic and androgenic effects which is stronger than in case of any other Testosterone. It also increases nitrogen retention in the muscle increased levels of the growth in both the muscle tissue. Testoxyl Suspension is used in most cases by the bodybuilders in cutting cycles. By being a very powerful product the Suspension makes muscle gain and this process is usually accompanied by severe bloat and water retention. Testoxyl Suspension starts acting a few hours after injection and immediately proves to have an amazing result.
The Testoxyl Suspension is not recommended to the beginners for its very painful effect. Even experienced bodybuilders feel severe and acute pain while using it. The usual daily dosage use a daily dosage of 50-100 mg. and it is administrated every day. It is often combined with other products such as Deca-Durabolin or Equipoise in doses of 300-400 mg a week with purpose of adding extra mass. Athletes can also stack Testoxyl Suspension with bulking products like Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) or Anadrol (Oxymetholone). Aquatest can also be used anti-estrogen products.
The most effective time period for a cycle for using Testoxyl Suspension is 8 weeks in average. More experienced athletes may prolong their cycle a bit longer to achieve a more effective result. While using this steroid, the human body increases its resistance and strength, as well as the immunity. More sensitive persons might include in their cycle such ancillaries as proviron or arimidex. After the cycle bodybuilders can use HCG and clomid or nolvadex to restore body's natural Testosterone production.
The most important side effect of Testoxyl Suspension is the fact that this medication act hard on the human body. It is high in androgens, aromatizes easily and it is disturbing for the liver. Other rare negative side effects that may occur are: water retention and bloating, fat gain, gynecomastia and risks of Testosterone being converted to estrogen. Other effects are acne and problems related to male pattern baldness.
Aquabolic, Testodex, Testaplex, Aquabol, Aquaviron, Big D, Aquatest, Primotest, Ketasol, Testoxyl.
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Important: If you decide to buy steroids you are legally confirming that you are at least 21 years of age or any other minimal legal age that allow you to posses, use or purchase products containing steroidal anabolic compounds. It is important that you learn and take into account the state and local laws related to anabolic steroids. There are a series of anabolic products that may be restricted to be purchased regionally, while not restricted nationally. It’s safe and healthy to purchase steroids legally. So while purchasing or using steroids it is your responsibility to determine the legal character according to your region’s jurisdiction, while we will make all the efforts to follow all the state and local laws and their eventual modifications regarding anabolic steroids use, purchase or administration.
Bodybuilders and athletes (especially beginners) that are willing to buy online anabolic steroids must be aware of their side effects and must be responsible when buying these medications, even if no prescription is required. The steroids should be used in combination with a well balanced diet and with an organized bodybuilding exercise program. Consult with a physician prior to use. 1 encourages you to learn more about anabolic steroids on specialized bodybuilding forums or blogs and only then make a purchase. However our web store assures you that all the products we propose for sale online are of high quality and are being taken directly from manufacturers.
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