Buy Testoxyl Propionate 100 Online
Buy Injectable Steroids

Testoxyl Propionate 100

32.00 USD

Active substance: Testosterone Propionate
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Unit: 10 mL vial (100 mg/mL)

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Testoxyl Propionate 100 Detailed

Testoxyl Propionate 100 (Testosterone Propionate) by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals: results, dosages, cycles and side effects

Testoxyl Propionate 100 is a long estered Testosterone product made by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals containing Testosterone Propionate. Test P is the shortest estered Testosterone preparation available nowadays on the market. Testoxyl Propionate has a short half life and is active in the system only a day after injection. It is a powerful mass drug, capable of producing rapid gains in size and strength. Its anabolic activity is equal to its androgenic activity it is a comparatively much faster acting than other Testosterone ester. Testoxyl Propionate comes in 10 mL vial (100 mg/mL). Testoxyl Propionate was the first androgenic steroid to be synthesized. Bodybuilders and athletes find it to be effective in gaining body mass and maintaining the body muscles during the cutting period. Testosterone Propionate expands the nitrogen retentive properties of body tissues and assists to protein synthesis in the body tissues. Another characteristic feature is the increase in the production of RBC cells, which in turn brings more blood flow to the muscles. Testoxyl Propionate also increases the effect of IGF 1 on the muscle tissues that results in the creation of new muscle fibbers growth.

Testoxyl Propionate is generally administered at least every third day. The drug is administrated in shoulder, arms, buttock, region on right upper side of buttocks and chest region. Testoxyl Propionate dosage for men is 50-200 mg daily for men (every 2-3 days) and a much lower dose: 25-50 mg daily for women. The injections should also be administrated much more rarely by women (every 5-7 days). The Testosterone Propionate cycles in the body should be carefully planned to avoid the fluctuation of blood pressure.

The most common combinations in using Testoxyl Propionate are with antiestrogens Nolvadex and Proviron, and products like with Dianabol and Deca-Durabolin for achievement of bulking effect. Combination with Halotestin should have more extreme effect on subcutaneous body fat and muscle hardness. It is sometimes also used with non-aromatizing anabolics during cutting or dieting phases of training. Popular stacks include a moderate dosage of Propionate with an oral anabolics Winstrol (15-35 mg daily), Primobolan (50-150 mg daily) or Oxandrolone (15-30 mg daily).

As in case of all estrogens virilization side effects among women may occur and many of these effects can be irreversible. It is very important for the female athlete to monitor the dosage, duration and incidence of side effects very closely. Users of Testoxyl Propionate 100 often complain of injection site irritation and swelling, In case of Propionate the side effects occur less frequently than in case of Enanthate and Cypionate usage, but if high dosages are taken, the known side effects such as acne, hair loss and increased body hair can occur. The build-up of estrogen and DHT (dihydroTestosterone) is quite pronounced so one may expect typical Testosterone side effects.

Testosterone Propionate Brand Names

Testoprogen, Propionate, Test Prop, Testodex, Anatest, Testoxyl, Testovis, Propioplex, Testoviron, TestoPro, Propionat, TestP, Testosterona, Testos-P, Virormone, Testpronate, Prop, Viromone, Propitrex, Viro-Prop.


Testoxyl Propionate 100 Reviews
Nov 18, 2021 (10:10)

Excellent, I gained a good amount of weight & strength was way high, I ran 2 short cycles injecting 100mg EOD

1Steroids has been around for so long, he will do you right, defintely buying more from here

Nov 26, 2018 (07:08)

test prop was very clean, clear, and very smooth to pin. virtually no pip was experienced during application of product

Jul 12, 2018 (10:43)

I'm not a huge fan of test prop, but I haven't used any in a while... decided to go with 2ccs EOD, 100mgs each of prop/NPP. Nice n smooth oil, minimal PIP, rotated injection sites, glutes, ventro, quads and delts for 10 weeks. Started at 216lbs... finished at 210lbs. Leaned out without even trying, not much cardio and too much food, I did cheat a few times too many.....HA!!! But, Im and ole TRT guy and do this for fun. Not a serious BB. There was definitely an increase in strength, muscle fullness, vascularity....etc. So much so I hurt my shoulder benching too much weight for too many reps... trying to show out!!!! LoL!!!

Will definitely order again

Jan 18, 2018 (10:27)

Weeks 1-4 I used the prop as a kicker till other compounds kicked. After only a few days i had increased libido and morning wood. Sex drive went up dramatically. After a week i noticed more aggression and energy levels starting to go up. It was a very good 4 weeks with the prop kicker.

Jan 11, 2018 (14:09)

Pinned test p upon arrival and this stuff is fire no pip. I pinned about 30 mins before workout and let me tell you I thought I could lift a house.

Aug 26, 2016 (09:35)

First shot today on Kalpa's prop and 0 pip so far! I really hope I have found a prop with minimal to 0 pain!

Aug 17, 2016 (14:04)

zero pip! blood test showed over 2000 for test while on this at 100mg eod

Nov 28, 2012 (20:56)

This prop is absolutely great! I started to use straight prop and I can\'t see a reason to ever use anything else. It\'s been about 10 days now with some ads of sustanon and EQ and I can see and feel transformations in me everyday.

Nov 16, 2012 (16:07)

Used it and felt almost no pip. The Kalpa prop is definitely good. I\'m on the 10th day and the strength is kicking in like crazy...the sex drive as well: )

Nov 16, 2012 (15:53)

I recently finished a bottle of this stuff. This prop is serious . The libido is exaggeratedly amazing, the gains kick ass. Like most of the Kalpa products this is a genuine and good stuff!

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