Buy Advanced Bulking Cycle Online
Best Steroid Cycles

Advanced Bulking Cycle

955.00 USD

12 Weeks Advanced Bulking Cycle
Testoxyl Enanthate 250: 4 x 10 mL vial (250 mg/mL)
Boldaxyl 300: 1 x 10 mL vial (300 mg/mL)
Nandroxyl 250: 1 x 10 mL vial (250 mg/mL)
Nolvaxyl: 90 x 20 mg pill
Dianoxyl 10: 100 x 10 mg pill
Stanoxyl 50: 40 x 20 mg pill
Clomixyl: 100 x 50 mg pill

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U.S. Domestic

Advanced Bulking Cycle Detailed

12 Weeks Advanced Bulking Cycle by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Weeks 1-12

Testoxyl Enanthate 250 (Testosterone Enanthate) - 375 mg twice a week - Mon & Thurs.

Boldaxyl 300 (Boldenone Undecylenate) - 150 mg twice a week - Mon & Thurs.

Nandroxyl 250 (Nandrolone Decanoate) - 150 mg twice a week - Mon & Thurs (can be mixed with Testoxyl Enanthate 250 or Boldaxyl 300).

Nolvaxyl (Tamoxifen Citrate) - 20 mg every day.

Weeks 1-4

Dianoxyl 10 (Nolvaxyl) - 40 mg every day split into 4 doses (4 x 10 mg tablet).

Weeks 8-14

Stanoxyl 50 (Stanozolol) - 50 mg every day.

Weeks 13-15

Clomixyl post cycle therapy as follows:

Day 1: 6 x 50 mg tablet

Day 2-10: 2 x 50 mg tablet

Day 11-21: 1 x 50 mg tablet

You could also use Clenbutaxyl post cycle to help prevent catabolism and continue any antis.

This steroid cycle is for an advanced user only. Bodybuilders can mix and match things once they know how their body reacts, everyones reaction to different compounds or cycles is different, so you need to get to know your own body. If you want individual tailored advice we will offer our knowledge after you have purchased our suggestions, as its only too familiar that we spend hours sharing our knowledge, only to have the customer buy from elsewhere, so please don't be offended if your emails for advice are rejected.

We are not professionals and under no circumstances should our advice be taken as so, or over that of a professional, we are simply sharing experience.

Using steroids to "bulk up" may promote the gain of unwanted fat, we have seen this happen on numerous occasion, so its best to research your body type and diet accordingly to try to avoid this.


Advanced Bulking Cycle Reviews
Dec 30, 2019 (23:39)

Hi I'm trying anadrol for the first time to bulk up I ve gotten teen and wninstrol and anavar from you guys during a cut and was very successful. .what do you recommend as to fight water retention during a abomb eq test bulk I also ordered arimidex for that but have heard it might not work that nolva would be better. .I'm not prone to gyno or anything

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8 Weeks Bulking Cycle
Testoxyl Enanthate 250: 2 x 10 mL vial (250 mg/mL)
Nandroxyl 250: 2 x 10 mL vial (250 mg/mL)
Dianoxyl 10: 100 x 10 mg pill
Nolvaxyl: 60 x 20 mg pill
Clomixyl: 100 x 50 mg pill

560.00 USD  

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