Active substance: Trenbolone Acetate
Manufacturer: Sciroxx Laboratories Ltd.
Unit: 10 mL vial (100 mg/mL)
Trenadex Acetate is an injectable anabolic steroid manufactured by Sciroxx Laboratories and containing Trenbolone Acetate which is a highly potent androgen that produces very strong anabolic activity. Being a powerful mass builder and perfect for increasing strength, Trenadex Acetate has the ability to strip body fat formation and increase. It is also considered by athletes to be the perfect drug in cutting cycles. Trenadex Acetate won't convert into estrogen and that fact eliminates all the usual negative estrogen side effects. Trenadex Acetate 100 comes in 10 mL vial (100 g/mL).
Trenadex Acetate is one of the strongest anabolic steroids on the market. Trenadex Acetate increases nitrogen retention in the muscles as well as red blood cell count. It also enhances the rate of recovery and regeneration of the human body and increases the rate of naturally produced IGF-1 affecting every cell in the body.Trenadex Acetate has the property to provide very hard, ripped muscles that are perfect for competitions in bodybuilding. It burns the fat efficiently and preserves lean tissues at desired levels.
Trenadex Acetate has a half-life of approximately 3 or 4 days making frequent injections necessary with a constant change of body site. The most common site for administration is the buttock. For men the usual doses of Trenadex Acetate are from 35 to 100 mg/day. The 35 mg is generally used by the beginners at start or by the persons with sensitivity to Trenbolone-specific side effects. It is a very risky product for women to use, the chance for virilization symptoms extremely high due to androgenic effects. During a cutting phase one could add a non-aromatizing anabolic such as Winstrol or Primobolan Depot, for bulking effect achieve a bulking effect, stronger compounds like Dianabol or Testosterone can be used. After concluding the steroid therapy, products like HCG and/or Clomid/Nolvadex are required.
Some common side effects you will experience with Trenbolone Acetate include oily skin, aggressive behaviors, acne on different body spots, and hair loss. Due to the androgenic nature, this drug is not recommended for women to use. There is also a very high risk of virilization which can be irreversible. Water retention is one of the Trenbolone Acetate side effects that can take place as well. Trenadex Acetate may have negative effects on the liver. It is necessary to stick to the right dosage and to carry a correct dietary regime.
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Active substance: Trenbolone Acetate
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 10 mL vial (100 mg/mL)
Lab Tested: Check Lab Test Results