Testodex Cypionate 250
Active substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Manufacturer: Sciroxx Laboratories Ltd.
Unit: 10 mL vial (250 mg/mL)
Testodex Cypionate 250 Detailed
Testodex Cypionate 250 (Testosterone Cypionate) by Sciroxx: results, dosages, cycles and side effects
Testodex Cypionate is an injectable anabolic steroid manufactured by Sciroxx Laboratories and containing Testosterone Cypionate which is an oil-based form of Testosterone. It has strong androgenic and anabolic effects. It offers the bodybuilders effective muscle and strength gain. Testodex Cypionate has a very slow rate of release, but nevertheless shows impressive and effective muscle gain results. It is a long acting ester and is injected once or twice per week. Testodex Cypionate manufactured by Sciroxx Laboratories comes in 10 mL vial (250 mg/mL).
Testodex Cypionate offers bodybuilders and athletes the possibility to form huge amounts of muscles and increase considerably the strength. Testodex Cypionate makes the muscles retain more nitrogen, which in turn makes the muscle synthesize proteins better, producing larger muscles; it is consider a useful steroid to most all cycles. Testodex Cypionate aromatizes easily and provides water retention. To avoid the negative effects of these processes is often stacked with other compounds.
Testodex Cypionate dosage for men is about 250-1000 mg per week, while women should use a much smaller dosage - about 50-100 mg due to the possibility of masculizing side effects. Testodex Cypionate can also be taken in various combinations. In order to improve mass gain bodybuilders stack this steroid with drugs like Anadrol, Dianabol, Deca or Equipoise. For better results and higher quality Testosterone Cypionate should be stack with Trenbolone or Equipoise. Ancillary drugs such as Nolvadex, Proviron, Clomid and HCG may help, both during cycle and post cycle to help restore natural Testosterone production.
Testodex Cypionate simple cycle consisting of 500 mg of Cypionate weekly for 10 weeks, stacked with other compounds, and standard post cycle therapy. The optimal cycle for experienced athletes would be from 8 to 20 weeks, depending of course on the goals of the athlete. Depending on the metabolism and the hormonal system Testodex Cypionate can stay active for about 2-3 weeks. Women should stick to the 10 weeks cycle with a much lower dosage of the product.
Testodex Cypionate usually can lead to more water retention, it is also metabolized in the body to the female hormone estrogen by the aromatize enzyme and can generate gynecomastia. Other side effects can be: the growth of breast tissue in men, testicular shrinkage and an increase in blood pressure, fat gain, loss of sex drive, hair loss and pain in the nipples.
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Active substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 10 mL vial (250 mg/mL)
Note: Warming and shaking the vial
should redissolve any crystals
that may have formed
during storage or shipping at a
temperature lower than recommended
Lab Tested: Check Lab Test Results
Active substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Unit: 10 mL vial (250 mg/mL)
Note: Warming and shaking the vial
should redissolve any crystals
that may have formed
during storage or shipping at a
temperature lower than recommended